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Monday, October 27, 2008

Two cheerleaders and a lizard ~ I think!

If you are visiting us today, you are in for a treat! We are showing a sneak peek of the little one's Halloween costumes. On Saturday, our town had downtown trick or treat day so Shawn and I took the kids to that. The weather was gorgeous and they got a lot of great candy! The girls are cheerleaders, and I believe Joey is some type of lizard. I got his cute suit at a garage sale in the spring and at first I thought it was a dinosaur. Then an alligator. Then a crocodile. And now a lizard. So if you are reading this post, please leave a comment or cast your vote on the sidebar and let us know what you think Joey is in his costume. The most popular answer wins, and that's what he will be on Friday for Halloween. I look forward to hearing what you think! Thanks for helping us out!


  1. croco-lizard love Tommie your son

  2. That's a tough one, but I'm going with dinosaur. It certainly could be a lizard though. In any event, it is really cute! The cheerleaders are cute too. :)

  3. Your kids are so damn cute! I do believe Joey is a gator, only because the costume has that big floppy thing over his face. Although, never have seen a gator with orange stripes on its face. Look! You've found a new species! Joeygator!

    Justine :o )


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