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Sunday, November 23, 2008

CdLS Sunday Blog Challenge - What are you thankful for?

Our CdLS Sunday Blog Challenge for today:
As Thanksgiving rapidly approaches, take a moment to reflect on what you are thankful for and post it on your blog.

I have been thinking about this a lot today. There are many, many things I am thankful for and our lives are full of many blessings. We have tons of reasons to be thankful this holiday season and this challenge gives me a chance to reflect on these things and fully appreciate our lives. It gives me a reminder to be grateful for all the little things that we sometimes take for granted.

1. I am thankful for my children, my husband, and our entire family.
2. I am thankful for our friends and neighbors.
3. I am thankful that my children, my husband, and myself are all healthy.
4. I am thankful that even though things are tough sometimes, we try to find the bright side of a situation.
5. I am thankful for my dishwasher.
6. I am thankful to wake up every day and see the beautiful faces of my children.
7. We went to a high school football awards banquet tonight. It honored the senior players and reflected on their high school years. I am thankful that John is only a freshman and we will still have him with us for a few more years.
8. I am thankful for naps (when I get to take one!)
9. I am thankful that we will be warm this winter.
10. I am thankful we have a roof over our heads, clothes on our backs, and food in our tummies. There are so many people who do not have these things.
11. I am thankful for all the people who make such a great difference in Joey's life every day. I am thankful that they care so much about him.
12. I am thankful for all of our CdLS family and friends. I am grateful that they are there to give us joy, comfort and support.
13. I am thankful that I have little hands to hold.
14. I am thankful for each step of progress that Joey makes.
15. I am thankful for all the accomplishments all the children make. I am thankful that I am here to enjoy these moments with them.
16. I am thankful for comfy shoes.
17. I am thankful for sunshine, a warm breeze, and the smell of fresh cut grass.
18. I am thankful for tiny hugs, sloppy kisses and when my children tell me they love me. I am thankful I am able to tell them I love them too.
19. I am thankful for books to read and music to listen to. I am thankful to be able to read the words and hear the songs.
20. I am thankful for the memories I have and the memories I have to look forward to.
21. I am thankful for Nick Jr. and Noggin (keeps the kiddos entertained!)
22. I am thankful to be able to have a good laugh, a good cry, and a good night's sleep.
23. I am thankful for peanut M&M's.
24. I am thankful for garage sales.
25. I am thankful for yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

What are some things you are thankful for? For more CdLS Sunday Blog Challenge participants, click here.

Note to Jill and Justine: Red pickles are something that we have had on special occasions since I was a kid. My aunts make them and this year my mom's been saving a jar for Thanksgiving sent from my aunt in Minnesota. They are red, I think colored with red candies, and they don't taste like regular pickles. They have a great flavor that I can't really describe. I was a young kid the last time I helped anyone make them so I can't recall all the details but they are good, good, good! I will find a post a recipe sometime. :o)


  1. Great list! You reminded me of some more great things to be greatful for.

  2. Great list! I am thankful for many of those things too. The dishwasher stood out to me. My life is so much easier because of that!

    Happy Monday....

  3. Yes you must post a recipe because I now need to try one!! Hey when you are back at my blog sign the followers list so people can find you through me!!

    Have a Happy Turkey Day!


  5. Hi Rachelle, My name is Carissa, I believe you are a follower of my blog. For some reason I can only get into your blog by pasting the URL link into the address bar. Sorry it took so long to respond. I have a gift for you on my blog. Come and check it out. Hope you will like it. I think your son with CdLS is a beautiful little boy.

  6. Great list! I'm thankful I got to meet you and Joey this year :-)

    I'm glad you let us know what red pickles are...I meant to ask and then forgot (senior moment!). And yes, please post the recipe if you find it!


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