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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Rachelle makes a fashion statement!

Have you ever spent 8 straight hours at a baseball field on a Sunday? How about with the wind blowing about 25-30 mph? Getting dirt in your hair and mouth? Or ending up with sunburned lips? Let me tell you I sure have! But is was all worth it because the club baseball team Tommie plays for won the championship game today in a big tournament that is held in our town every year. Congrats to the Mariner 13's! The tourney started Friday and they battled their way through the bracket to a gold medal. All the kids did a great job! The parents all take turns helping out in different areas during the tournament. Shawn helped out on the field crew and I got to put in some time as a site director. I looked pretty official in my orange vest! John helped out with some babysitting so the little ones didn't have to spend as much time at the ball field as there was the potential for. Thanks John - your paycheck is in the mail!

Making my fashion statement...

Shawn hard at work on the field...

The girls had about 30 ring pops...

Just kidding! Only about 25!

Joey loved the dirt as you can see...if only he didn't want to eat some of it!

He found a baseball in the grass...

Needless to say they all got baths when we got home!

I tried to get a good pic of Tommie - he hit a double off this at bat!

Waiting for a victory!

Tommie sporting his medal...

Some celebrating!

Here's a couple team pics...Great job fellas!


  1. OH goodness! I now understand how the dirt blowing from the field was a big problem! I'm glad it was worth it in the end.

    And who ever said that kids shouldn't have that much candy!?

    Hope you have a wonderful week!

  2. LOL Rachelle!!! You look quite snazzy in your orange vest :-) And aren't sunburned lips wonderful? Especially when they peel ugh! Gotta love ring pops, they've kept my kids busy and content a few times in the past. Love the girls blue lips!

    Love that pic of Joey in the dirt...he is all boy! He and Jessica share the "eating dirt" part...ugh!

  3. Sexy orange vest.. I'm sure all of you are wiped out today.. The sun and the wind really take it out of you! Any plans to come to Lincoln for games?

  4. Wtg Tommie and team!!!!! Okay, how come Shawn didn't have to wear the dorky vest? LOL

    Justine :o )

  5. Try not to think of it as getting dirty.

    Think of it as making memories. And some great ones were made that day!


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